Showing 76 - 100 of 114 Results
Life and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay; Volume 1 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Mall... ISBN: 9781363511198 List Price: $24.95
Life and Speeches of Henry Clay; Volume 1 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781363511273 List Price: $21.95
Supplement to the Address of Henry Clay to the Public, Which Was Published in December, 1827... by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Misc... ISBN: 9781363640317 List Price: $9.95
Familiar Letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky, Describing a Winter in the West Indies by Gurney, Joseph John 1788-18... ISBN: 9781362125563 List Price: $14.95
Beauties of the Hon. Henry Clay by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781360727035 List Price: $24.95
Familiar Letters to Henry Clay of Kentucky, Describing a Winter in the West Indies by Gurney, Joseph John 1788-18... ISBN: 9781362125587 List Price: $24.95
Speech of Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, on the Measures of Compromise. Delivered in the Senate of t... by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781373809537 List Price: $19.95
Report [on the Expediency of Reducing the Price of Public Lands, and of Ceding Them to the S... by United States Congress Sena... ISBN: 9781373934963 List Price: $19.95
Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on Taking up His Compromise Resolutions on the S... by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781373953865 List Price: $19.95
Works of Henry Clay, Comprising His Life, Correspondence and Speeches; Volume 10 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374002555 List Price: $25.95
Works of Henry Clay, Comprising His Life, Correspondence and Speeches; Volume 07 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374001572 List Price: $16.95
Works of Henry Clay, Comprising His Life, Correspondence and Speeches; Volume 07 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374001602 List Price: $26.95
Private Correspondence of Henry Clay by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374172333 List Price: $32.95
Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, in the House of Representatives of U. S. on the Seminole War by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781374278479 List Price: $9.95
Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, in the House of Representatives of U. S. on the Seminole War by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781374278493 List Price: $19.95
Life, Correspondence, and Speeches of Henry Clay; Volume 1 by Colton, Calvin 1789-1857, C... ISBN: 9781374278141 List Price: $29.95
Life and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay . . ; Volume 2 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Mall... ISBN: 9781374288737 List Price: $31.95
Life of Henry Clay by Sargent, Nathan 1794-1875, ... ISBN: 9781374302136 List Price: $21.95
Private Correspondence of Henry Clay by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374358447 List Price: $32.95
Private Correspondence of Henry Clay by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374358010 List Price: $23.95
Private Correspondence of Henry Clay by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Colt... ISBN: 9781374358041 List Price: $32.95
Life and Speeches of the Hon. Henry Clay . . ; Volume 1 by Clay, Henry 1777-1852, Mall... ISBN: 9781374335783 List Price: $32.95
Prophet Joseph Smith's Views on the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States... by Smith, Joseph 1805-1844, Ca... ISBN: 9781014379917 List Price: $11.95
Speech of Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, in Support of His Propositions to Compromise on the Slavery... by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781014906977 List Price: $11.95
Address, to the People of the Congressional District Composed of the Counties of Fayette, Wo... by Clay, Henry 1777-1852 ISBN: 9781014896254 List Price: $11.95
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